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Zombies Are Coming!

Surviving Zombie Apocalypse

I can’t deny that I’m a big fan as well of ZOMBIES since when I was a kid. Although, these are just sci-fi and imagination, I still love zombie topics. I know everybody likes to watch zombie movies or play zombie killing video games, especially these days of pandemic and lockdown.

Before, a lot of people may think or speculate that after a person is having a virus, he or she may die or turn into a zombie. Of course, that’s not going to happen. Duh! Nobody dares to spread viruses that can turn a person or people into zombies and start to eat human flesh. Sigh! That’s the result of too much watching The Walking Dead Series.

According to science, possible causes for zombie behavior in a modern population can be attributed to viruses, bacteria or other phenomena that reduce the mental capacity of humans, causing them to behave in a very primitive and destructive fashion.

There are 5 scientific reasons a Zombie Apocalypse could happen:

  • Brain Parasites

  • Neurotoxins

  • Real Rage Virus

  • Neurogenesis

  • Nanobots

A tongue-in-cheek mathematical model reveals that zombies, if left unchecked, could wipe out humanity within 100 days.

Well, some movies predict things that might gonna happen in the future. Let’s take an example of the movie Contagion. It is one of the best and most watched by many since the beginning of Covid-19 outbreak and became a worldwide pandemic. People who watched this movie shocked because it's almost adjacent on what is happening in the reality. Well, of course, it’s just a movie and you know what I mean, but it’s a good movie, though. There are tons of zombie movies or TV series out there that you can watch in YouTube or Netflix. If you haven’t watch yet the Contagion movie, try to watch after reading this blog.

But what if these things may happen in the future? What if the vaccines went wrong? Who knows? The question is, how prepared are you for the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse? How you gonna survive and stay alive?

Less people know that other countries are having plans and prepared already in the case of zombie apocalypse. One of this is the U.S.A. Yes, you heard it right, U.S.A! They call it CONPLAN 8888 or Contingency Plan 8888. It is a plan designed by the US Military on what will be response of civilians and military forces in the event of zombie outbreak scenario or threat. However, this plan was declassified later on and they used it instead for training purposes (for the upcoming military students).

Anyway, here are some of the things I’ve been listed and gathered from the zombie movies I watched before that might can help, if all hell broke loose:

1. Know the Escape Routes

You must know your escape routes in your house before the horde breaks in. Whether it can be a zombie outbreak, fire, flood, earthquakes, etc., this easy and simple step may save you and your love ones. It can also apply whether you’re in a mall, office building, your friend’s house, having dinner in a fancy restaurant, and other places with large crowds.

2. Survival Kits and Other Supplies

Let me break down the list of the things you have to put in your Backpacks:

· Bottled waters

· Canned goods

· Non-perishable food items

· Medicines or antibiotics, first aid kits and vitamins

· Utility items like a pocket knife, rope (optional), duct tape, flashlight/s with extra batteries, lighter or matches, and other outdoor gears

· Radios

· Extra phones

· Maps (Optional)

In the case you’re running out of supplies, the best places you can gather more are old abandoned homes, military surplus outlets, gas stations, convenient stores and outdoor shops. But remember, secure or clear the area first before grabbing the things you need.

3. Work Out with Your Stamina

You should be able to run fast and work out with your cardio because, of course, zombies will chase after you. Stay physically and mentally fit. If you’re lazy to do some Zumba, hardcore workout or lifting dumbbells in the gym, Yoga might be your best option.

4. Mobile Phones / Two-Way Radios

Make sure your mobile phones are fully charged in the event of emergency. Use it to contact the authorities or your family, and no more TikTok for you. It’s not about social media anymore. Obviously, if you’re being separated with your family members, at least you know their situations, locations, and stay update with their status. Same applied principles with the Two-Way radios. And oh! By the way, don’t just disregard your Grandma’s FM/AM radios and you need it for some reason. The government authorities or the military forces will make some public announcements over the radio for possible safe haven-where survivors can stay safe and away from zombie horde.

5. Stick together

Try to stick together with your family members no matter what. The greater the number the greater chance of survival. Always remember, never trust anyone. Everybody thinks irrational and freak out already. It’s all about survival, baby!

6. Self-Defense Weapons

Try to secure guns, chainsaws, baseball bats, swords, crossbows and etc. Guns are perfect to kill zombies or violent strangers but here’s the catch, use it in the right place and right time. Zombies attract easily with noise and even lights, so, try to minimize it. Don’t just hit here and there, try to hit the zombie’s head and knock them down. Crossbows, swords and baseball bats are ideal stuff to fight against them. Another thing is to wear some protective gears. Zombies are less likely and having hard time to eat or bit if you wear thick and hard suits in your body like motorcycle helmets, leather jackets, boots and etc. No matter how prepared you are, there will be a time that you’re going to fight face-to-face with the zombie. So be ready. By the way, no matter how pro you are in shooting in video games, it ain’t work in real life situation.

7. No more water? Rainwaters to the Rescue

Never mind the food as long as there’s water in order to survive for how many days. You have to be careful this time. In the event of zombie apocalypse, sealed bottled waters are the safest and nothing else. Don’t just grab waters here and there. Try to catch rainwaters with empty containers and boil it with fire for just 1 minute and you're good to go.

8. Safe Shelters

Look for safe houses or buildings with sturdy walls and few windows (better you cover the windows). First thing’s first, never forget to secure the area before you take a nap and know the escape routes as well. According to experts, you should avoid malls, shopping centers and even gun shops, because these places are not ideal type for you to stay. Try to stay away from cities and go for higher grounds or far from zombie crowds. Boats and yachts are your other possible options because zombies are terrible swimmers (but try to make sure you’re away from the land or dockyards).

Do you think this unforeseen thing is going to happen?

I hope you had a great time reading this blog. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Feel free to grab a copy.

Thank you and stay safe!


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